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Chapter 6. Herbal formula for lung diseases



1. Huangqi Gao (Huangqi plaste)


This formula is used for condition, in which the patient has had chronic cough. He/she would have more cough upon attack by mild Cold-Wing invasion. The cough is severe especially in winter.

生黄芪(四钱) 石膏(四钱捣细) 蜂蜜(一两) 甘草(二钱细末)生怀山药(三钱细末) 鲜茅根(四钱,锉碎如无鲜者可用干者二钱代之)
Huangqi 12 gram, Shigao 12 gram (grind), Honey 30 gram, Gancao 6 gram, Shanyao 9 gram, fresh Maogeng 12 gram (chop it into small pieces. If there no fresh one, use dried Maogeng 6 gram.)

Add Huangqi, Shigao and Maogeng in water to cook about ten boiling. Collect the upper supernatant. Mix it with the powder forms of Gancao and Shangyao with stirring to mix them. Cook the mixture again for one boiling, with stirring from time to time to prevent precipitation of the herbs. Add honey in, continue cook for one boiling. Eat one third of the herbal paste each time, three times a day. Continue take this paste for a longer time, the condition could be cured. This formula is for prevention however. Take it when there is no cough yet. 


肺胞之体,原玲珑通彻者也。为其玲珑通彻,故具 辟之机,而司呼吸之气。其 辟之机无碍,即呼吸之气自如也。有时肺脏有所损伤,其微丝血管及肺胞涵津液之处,其气化皆湮淤凝滞,致肺失其玲珑之体,即有碍于 辟之机,呼吸即不能自如矣。然当气候温和时,肺叶舒畅,呼吸虽不能自如,犹不至甚剧。有时薄受风寒,及令届冱寒之时,肺叶收缩,则瘀者益瘀,能 而不能辟,而喘作矣。肺中之气化,瘀而且喘,痰涎壅滞,而嗽亦作矣。

(This paragraph is not to translate)

故用黄芪以补肺之阳,山药以滋肺之阴,茅根以通肺之窍,俾肺之阴阳调和,窍络贯通,其辟之力自适均也。用石膏者,因其凉而能散,其凉也能调黄芪之热,其散也能助茅根之通也。用甘草者,因其味甘,归脾益土,即以生金也。用蜂蜜者,因其甘凉滑润,为清肺润肺,利痰宁嗽之要品也。茅根禀初春少阳之气,升而能散,原肺脏对宫,肝家之药也。夫肺金主敛,肝木主散,此证因肺金之敛太过,故用茅根导引肝木之气,入肺以宣散之,俾其 辟之机自若,而喘嗽均不作矣。
Huangqi works to help and to supply Lung Yang; Shangyao nourishes the Lung Yin; Maogeng opens the air conduct in the lung, so the make the Yin and Yang in the lung harmony and the air inhalation and exhalation smoothly. Shigao is cold and has dispersing property. Its cold nature can solve the Hot side effect of Huangqi; its dispersing nature can help the function of Maogen in opening. Gancao is sweet, belongs to Spleen. The Spleen can nourish the Lung. The honey is sweet, cold and slippery and wetness, can clear the lung and humidify the lung. It is the important ingredient to clear the phlegm and to stop the cough.  Baimaogeng bears the early spring Qi; it can raise and disperse too. To the lung, it is the Liver herb. The lung dominates the restraining function of body, while the Liver, the dispersing property. For the disease condition here, it is due to the over function of Lung in restraining, so use Baomaogeng to direct the Liver Qi into the Lung to disperse, so as to restore the function of the Lung.


或问:凡药之名膏者,皆用其药之原汁,久经熬炼而成膏。今仅取黄 石膏、茅根之清汁,而调以山药甘草之末与蜜,以成膏者何也?答曰:古人煎药,皆有火候,及药之宜先入后入,或浸水掺入;及药之宜汤、宜膏、宜丸、宜散之区别,然今人不讲久矣。如此方黄 、茅根过炼,则宣通之力微,石膏过炼,则清凉之力减,此三味所以不宜熬膏也。然犹恐药入胃之后,由中焦而直趋下焦,其力不能灌注于肺。故加山药蜂蜜之润而粘,甘草之和而缓者,调入成膏。使人服之,能留恋胃中不遽下,俾其由胃输脾,由脾达肺也。

It might be asked: the paste form of the herbs is usually prepared by continue condensing the original herb juice (not water cooked yet). How now you use the water supernatant of the Huangqi, Shigao and Baomaogeng, mixed with the powder of Shangyao and Gancao, and honey? Answer: Antient people cared very much the extent of the cooking of the herbs. It is very importance for which herbs should cook first, which later; which needs to be cooked after rinsed in water; and which herbs should be in the paste form, pill form, or powder form, etc. However, people in current time do not care very much about this. For example in this formula, if the Huangqi and Baimaogeng are over cooked for long time, their dispersing capacity would be reduced. If the Shigao is over cooked, its cooling power would be reduced. So, these three herbs should not be cooked into paste form. For consideration that the herb power would move forwards down the Lower Jiao, not go to the Upper Lung, the herb Shanyao and honey are used, for their sticky nature, and the Gancao is used, for its buffer nature, to keep the herb function in the Lung.  

或问:调之成膏者,恃山药蜂蜜也。至甘草何不与黄 石膏同煎取汁,而亦为末调入?答曰:西人谓,甘草微有苛(苛即薄荷)辣之味,煎之则甘味减,而苛辣之味转增。是以西人润肺之甘草水,止以开水浸之,取其味甘、且清轻之气上升也。此方将甘草调入汤中,止煎一沸,亦犹西人作甘草水之意也。

It might also be asked: It is the Shanyao and honey that make the mixture into the paste. Why not cook the Gancao and Huangqi and Shigao the same time, but use its powder form? Answer: the western medicine said, the Gancao has spicy taste. Upon cook, it sweat taste is reduced but spicy taste increased. For this reason, they used the Gancao water solution to humidify the lung. It is prepared by only rinse the Gancao with boiling water, to keep its sweet nature, so as to wet the lung. In this formula here, the Gancao was only boiled for one boiling, to take the same meaning as the western Gancao water.



2. Qingjin Yiqi Tang (Qing here means cleansing; Jin means Metal; Yi: help; qi means the Lung Qi)

This formula is used for a condition, in which the patient is very weak, has short of breath, hot feeling, cough, loss of voice, spits phlegm or saliva, and other lung diseases.

生黄芪(三钱) 生地黄(五钱) 知母(三钱) 甘草(三钱) 玄参(三钱) 沙参(三钱)川贝母(二钱去心) 牛蒡子(三钱炒捣)
Huangqi 9 gram, Shengdi 15 gram, Zhimu 9 gram, Gancao 9 gram, Xuanshen 9 gram, Shashen 9 gram, Chuan Beimu 6 gram (remove the kernel), Niubangzi 9 gram (fry and grind).

A lady, 40 years of old, had hot in the upper part of the body, and coughed so to loss her voice. Her phlegm was with stinking smell as rotten fish. Her body was gradually slim and thin. Her pulse was string and strong. She had been given Fire-cleansing and Lung-humidifying formula several doses, no effect. To the herbal formula given to her, among the lots of previous other herbs, added Huangqi only, as to help the Yuan Qi. After several doses, the symptoms were improved. After ten doses, the condition was completely solved.

It might be asked: the pulse is strong, why use the Qi-nourishing herb (Huangqi)? Answer: the strong pulse might be true strong, or false. If the pulse is truly strong, it should be felt amount calm-peace pulse. It indicates that the Spleen-Stomach Qi is sufficient to function, so they can nourish other organs (the Spleen-Stomach belongs to Soil, and the Soil can endure and to hold others, such as Metal, Wood, Water and Fire). Otherwise, the strong pulse is with big feeling, it is mostly indicating a True Fire condition. If it is with slippery, it is mostly indicating a Hot Phlegm in the Middle Jiao. If it is strong with strong, it is mostly indicating overwhelming of the Liver meridian. The pulse of this lady is as this pulse.  The Lung belongs to Metal; and the Liver belongs to Wood. The sick Metal fails to suppress the Wood, so that the pulse was string and strong. This indicates that the Liver Wood is too strong, which turns to suppress the Metal. That the patients with Feiwei and Feiyong condition usually have pain or sour on the side of abdomen, is due to the overwhelming of the Liver Wood.


A man, 30 years of old, had Phlegm-Fire in the lung for a long time. Due to common cold, he had frequent cough and spit rotten-fish phlegm. For fear to develop into Feiyong, he came to me for help. His pulse was floating and strong, with slippery feeling on the Chong position. I used Yubi Tang to him first, to solve his common cold. The cough was reduced, but the phlegm was as usual. I then used Qinglize (fold with gauze) 9 gram, Dazao (chop open) seven, to clear the accumulated phlegm in the lung. It was taken once every other day. Then used were herb powder of Sanqi, Chuan Beimu, Gancao, Jinyinhua, and water cook of herb Digupi. The herbal tea was drinked three times a day. It was also taken once, on the day to take that Qinglize Dazao Tang. He was treated as such for three days, the Qinglize Dazao Tang was used three times, the amount of phlegm was reduced dramatically and no more rotten-fish smell. Later, the Qingjin Yiqi Tang here was used, in addition of Chuan Beimu 3 gram more, and Niubangzi 3 gram more in the formula. It was taken for continuously ten days for a maintenance.



3. Qingjin Jiedu Tang (Jiedu means cleansing)

This formula works for the condition, in which the lung is in ulcer, or is to have pus in it, or the person spits blood-pus phlegm. It also works for tuberculosis.

生明乳香(三钱) 生明没药(三钱) 甘草(三钱) 生黄芪(三钱) 玄参(三钱) 沙参(三钱) 牛蒡子(三钱炒捣) 贝母(三钱) 知母(三钱) 三七(二钱,捣细药汁送服)将成肺痈者去黄 ,加金银花三钱。
Ruxiang 9 gram, Moyao 9 gram, Gancao 9 gram, Huangqi 9 gram, Xuanshen 9 gram, Shashen 9 gram, Niubangzi 9 gram (fry and grind), Beimu 9 gram, Sanqi 6 gram (grind into powder, take with help of the herbal tea). If the disease is to be pus, remove the Huangqi, but add Jinyinhua 9 gram.


A man, 48 years of old, had cough and spit rotten-fish phlegm and had night sweat. He became slim and thin. Doctors had said that his condition had no healing. When I saw him, his pulse was up to six times per breath circle. I gave him this formula, with addition of Longgu 18 gram, double the amount of Zhimu in the formula. Two doses solved his sweat. Additional ten doses solve his problem completely.


The therapy for tuberculosis has been introduced in the chapter for herbal formula Shenmai Tang. However, it discusses the condition, in which the tuberculosis has caused Laoji (exhausting condition). The formula here and the one bellow are applicable for the tuberculosis that has not cause the Laoji condition yet.



4. Anfei Ningsou Wan (An means to calm in Chinese; fei: lung; Ning: to calm, release, making peace; sou: cough. So, the total meaning is the formula to calm the lung and stop the cough.)

This formula is for condition, in which there is Phlegm and Fire in the lung, and there is Xu Fire in the lung to cause cough. It is also used for tuberculosis.

桑叶(一两) 儿茶(一两) 蓬砂(一两) 苏子(一两炒捣) 甘草(一两)
Fresh Sangye 30 gram, Ercha 30 gram, Pengsha 30 gram, Souzi 30 gram (fry and grind), Gancao 30 gram.

Gring all the ingredients into powder. Prepare it into pills with honey, each pill as 9 gram. Eat the pill one in the morning and one in the evening with help of hot water for swallow.

肺脏具 辟之机,治肺之药,过于散则有碍于 ,过于敛则有碍于辟。桑得土之精气而生(根皮甚黄燧应夏季是其明征),故长于理肺家之病,以土生金之义也。至其叶凉而宣通,最解肺中风热,其能散可知。又善固气化,治崩带脱肛(肺气旺自无诸疾),其能敛可知。敛而且散之妙用,于肺脏 辟之机尤投合也。蓬砂之性凉而滑,能通利窍,儿茶之性凉而涩,能安敛肺叶。二药并用,与肺之 辟亦甚投合。又佐以苏子之降气定喘,甘草之益土生金,蜂蜜之润肺清燥,所以治嗽甚效也。

The herbs for the treatment of diseases in the lung should not be too opening or too restraining. The Sang (mulberry) bears much more Soil nature (as strongly evidenced by its yellow root peel, corresponding to summer), so it is good at the treatment of lung disease, for the Soil nourishes the Metal (lung). Its leaves are cold and have dispersing nature, so it is good at expelling the Wind-Fire in the lung. It is also good at restraining nature (Qi movement), so it is used for the treatment of anus collapse, uterus bleeding, woman discharge. (If the Lung Qi is sufficient, there should have no such disease). Its both dispersing and restraining capacity, such marvelous property, is very compatible to that of the lung. Pengsha (borax) is cold and slippery in property, can smooth the air conduct of the lung. Ercha (Catechu) is cold and restraining, can restrain the lung leaves. The combination of these two is also very compatible to the function of the lung. Helped by the Souzi to reduce Qi and to stop asthma, by Gancao to nourish Soil so to help the Metal, and by the honey to wet the lung and clear the dryness, the formula is very suit in the treatment of the lung disease.


Most doctors know that Pengsha and Ercha are mostly used in skin ulcer. They do not know that they are also good herbs for clearing phlegm and stopping cough. When used on the skin, they work to clear pus, rotten skin tissue, cleansing toxic and promote growth of muscle and skin tissue. When orally intake, they work to heal the ulcer in the lung, so to solve the tuberculosis. This has been well experienced.



5. Qingliang Huagai Yin (Qingliang means cooling in Chinese; Huagai: umbrella; Yin: drinks, beverage)

This formula is for condition, in which there is ulcer in the lung, so that the person spits pus-blood, feels mild ache in the chest, or feels pain on the side of the abdomen.

甘草(六钱) 生明没药(四钱,不去油) 丹参(四钱) 知母(四钱)

Gancao 18 gram, Moyao 12 gram, Danshen 12 gram, Zhimu 12 gram.


If the condition is very severe, add Sanqi 6 gram (grind, drink with the help of water). If the pulse is weak, add some Renshen, and Tianmendong several grams.

Feiyong means there is ulcer in the lung. Among such diseased, one or two out of ten times, it is ulcer in the lung; and eight to nine out of ten times, it is pus and rot. There are herbs that are used to treat it, such as Tinglizi and Zaojia, and corresponding herbal formula, as used by ancient doctors, but they should not be used without care. The herbs that work to clear Fire, expel toxic, to remove rotten tissue, and to promote the growth of fresh and new tissue, are needed. Herb Gancao is the main herbs by doctors to use in the treatment of ulcer. Its taste is sweet, bears most Soil nature, so it can nourish the Metal (Lung). It is used whenever there is rotten or ulcer in the lung. For this reason, there is a folk prescription by using only the Gancao.



One man, 30 years of old, suffered from frequent cough, day and night, spitting rotten phlegm, had mild ache in the chest. For fear to develop into the Feiyong condition, so come to doctor. His pulse was floating and strong. The right side is stronger than the left side, but when touch heavier, the pulse was not true big or strong. He was given the Qingjin Jiedu Tang first and he appeared annoyed. His had slippery stool once. He said, previously when he took any Qi-nourishing herbs, he would feel annoyed. If he took Cleansing herbs, he would have slippery bowel movement, so that tried several doctors without any help. So, his formula I changed to use Gancao 45 gram, Jinyinhua 30 gram, Zhimu 12 gram, and Niubangzi 12 gram. The herbal tea was drinken for ten separated times, so keep the healing ability on the upper side of the body. Ten doses solved his problem. Two months later, due to heavy labor work, his condition recurred with more pain in the chest, frequent cough and spitted pus-blood phlegm. The previous formula did not work this time. So, I used this Qingliang Huagai Yin. Two doses solved the pain. For his weak pulse, added the wild Taishen 12 gram, Tianmendong 12 gram. Ten doses solved the condition completely.

Mr. Zen knows medicine well. He told me: to treat the Feiyong condition, the herbal formula of Xihuang Wan by Mr. Lingwu Shanren works very well. I have tried it several times. All worked. Here it is cited for a reference.  


The Xihuang Wan in troduced in
Waike Zhenzhi Quansheng Ji》(Author: Mr. Wang Hongxuuses Ruxiang 30 gram, Moyao 30 gram, Shexiang (musk) 4.5 gram, Xi Niuhuang (Rhino Bezoar) 0.9 gram. Grind the ingredients into powder. Use cooked glutinous millets 30 gram, grind it to mud. Mix it with the herbal powder. Prepare the mixture into pill, 1 cm diameter. Dry naturally. Eat 9 gram each time. Swallow with help by stored liquor.


Dr. Xu Lingtai said: “Mr Qian Fuan in Souzhou cit suffered from frequent bleeding cough. Doctors had treated him with bleeding condition but the condition became worse. When I saw him, he spitted blood all over on the floor. By careful watch, it could be find pus and rotten-fish smell on the blood. I therefore told: this is Feiyong condition and the pus was already formed in the lung. It is said in the book
Jing Kuithat, the pus formation in the lung indicates death. However, there is alive case. I have tried my best and the sick person’s family also trusted me all the long the treatment course. It spend one month for the recovery of his condition. Because in my daily clinic, there are many of such cases, I have tried formulas from the Tang dynasty. I tried Cleansing herbs to clear the Fire; lung-nourishing herbs to nourish its blood; slippery herbs to expel phlegm, fragrant herbs to open the air conduct, even with herbs to detoxify, the metal-stone herbs to fill its hollow, or combination of these therapies. Every time, it worked. Now for Mr. An, I also used the combinations of the therapies and he was saved. Comment: this statement is the principle in the treatment of Faiyong condition. It is cited here for future reference.


Tuberculosis is dangerous condition, no matter in the eyes of the western medicine or Chinese medicine. I used Chinese herbal tea, as well as with help by using Aspirin. The result is excellent. It is discussed on the chapter for herbal formula of Shenmai Tang. Now, I have another way for this condition. The old brother of Mr. Xu in Fengtian city, 50 years of old, suffered from lung disease. He visited several doctors but none could help him. Japanese doctor said it was tuberculosis, and they failed to cure him either. One day, the patient send a telefax to his young brother, saying that his disease is in late stage, and hurry him back home. Mr Feng came to me, asking for a formula. He introduced to me that his brother said, several days ago, that his cough became worse, with additional hot feeling in heart. Today, there is no any indication about the symptoms. It might be the same symptoms but worse. I thought it would be very difficult to help, but he insisted for a formula. I so prescribed a formula: Xuanshen 30 gram, Shengdi 30 gram, with addition of some amount of Chuan Beimu, Niubangzi, and Gancao. He bought the herbs home and let his brother drink it. One dose solved his problem after he had sweat! So, it is known that his condition was damaged by a common cold. When the out-coming Xie Qi came into the body, and when it reaches Yangming level, it develops Dry-Hot. The cooling herbs created sweat, so the disease was improved. The original toxic in the lung was expelled out of the body through the created sweat, so he also felt much improved for the bleeding cough. However, the root of the disease is still hidden in the lung, not completely removed yet. Months later, his bleeding and rotten-fish cough recurred. Mr. Xu asked me again for help. He showed me a formula and said he got it from a friend, and asked me if it is a proper formula for his brother. I saw it. It is the formula of Mr. Lingwu Shanren, and the herbs that Mr. Xu said for the treatment of Feiyong. For the herbs being expensive and my fearing that the family might refuse to use it, so I previously did not prescribed them. This formula is similar to what I believed, so I recommend him to use it. His brother tried and his condition was solved before the doses were finished.



Mr. Zhao lived in Fengtian city, and was about 40 years of old. He felt hot in heart, lazy to eat, cough and spit rotten-fish phlegm and too weak to get up bed. His condition as such had been for about three months. His pulse was 85 times per min. Left pulse was calm, but the right one was slippery and strong. The tongue covering was thick and yellow in color. His bowel movement was once every four to five days and stool was very hard. It is known that he had common cold (Cold-Wind invasion condition), which stick in the Lung and Stomach for a long time, so that the lung had inflammation, and the lung became rotten. For western medicine, they would say that there is no chance to cure. However, I said there might be chance to cure. I prescribed this Qingjin Jiedu Tang, with the removal of Huangqi, but with the addition of Shanyao 18 gram, Shigao 30 gram. After three doses, his hot was much reduced; the amount of eating increased; and the cough and phlegm were much improved. So, the Shangyao was removed but Huangqi was added 9 gram. The Shigao was replaced with Tianhuafeng. In addition, Aspirin one quarter tablet was taken everyday. After such treatment for ten days, the condition was much improved, with occasional cough. Later, due to too busy, he did not continue taking the herbs. Twenty days later, the cough was worse with rotten-fish phlegm. The original herbal formula was used, but it did not work this time. He was then asked to take the Xihuang Wang and later his condition was completely cured.

[1] Feiwei: lung collapse.

[2] Feiyong: pus in the lung.

If you have any question about the treatment of chronic lung disease or tuberculosis, welcome to contact Us Today.